Oxygen for pilot breathing gas and medical use
Lasergas - Oxygen for pilot breathing gas and medical use
Oxygen support which depends on cylinders causes difficulties under wartime conditions. In addition, the costs and hazards of handling high pressure cylinders or oxygen reservoirs are substantial. Twenty-one percent (21%) of the air we breathe is composed of oxygen. Using Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) technology, the Lasergas line of oxygen generators extract this oxygen in a continuous process.
The oxygen produced by our system is of medical grade, conforming to the United States Pharmacopoeia Standard for "Oxygen 93 Percent" and is suitable for field hospital and emergency care centre use. With the oxygen produced by our system, anesthesia equipment and ventilators can be operated. It can also be used as pilots’ breathing gas. It is possible either to feed the applications directly or fill high pressure oxygen cylinders.